
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Orlando Vacation.

In about five weeks I will be climbing into a car with my BFF and taking a 16 hour road trip from Ohio to Florida.  So much is happening while we are there that I wanted to remember it all.  I have a journal that is holding all of my trip information of the ore planning variety.  I am going to take that with me and document our everyday adventures with our friends.  When I get home I want to find a nice journal and create a travel journal documenting our adventures.  I have seen so many gorgeous designs on Pinterest that I don't even know where to begin.  I can't wait to share this with everyone here in my blog when it it complete.! 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Week One 2015

It's amazing how fast the days are flying by.  Tomorrow is the last day of the first week of 2015.  I can't believe that my March trip exactly two months away.  True to my promise I am here to present page one week one of Project Life 2015.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

It is hard for me to believe that 2014 has ended and a new year has begun.  2014 held a lot of changes for me.  I left a store that I had been at for almost 13 years to go to a new store.  Then that store closed in December and a whole new world opened for me at the new store that was just built.  More family time as well this fall.  We spent several days hiking the beautiful trails around our home in Merriman Valley.  I was in my element as fall is the most loveliest of times of year.  I am so blessed to live in such a beautiful area.  My BFF transferred to my new store as well so I have a familiar face keeping me company.  With 2015 here a whole new world opens up around me.  My BFF is moving into my apartment complex and is getting a new roommate.  In March him and I are taking a much needed road trip south to the beautiful and warm state of Florida to spend a week with our online gaming friends. Allie is heading to Washington DC in May with her 8th grade class.  It will be the first time she is away from me with someone other then family.  I'm nervous and scared but at the same time so proud of her that she wants to take this trip.  With the new year I am going to focus more on documenting the life of my family again.  I am really going to buckle down and do a photo a day and get my Project Life pages done each week. So in honour of my resolution to get this done this year I have managed to put together the 2015 title page.